HTML - Explanation and definition of HTML

What is HTML

HTML is a computer language used for the creation and development of websites, being a standard, simple and easy to learn this computer language uses a series of keywords and signs that lets you manage and organize the flow and sequence of all elements that contains a website. HTML is an acronym of “Hypertext Markup Language".

A website can be composed of different elements such as images, videos, text, graphics, tables or links, like concrete that holds the bricks with one another to build the structure of our house HTML is the virtual concrete through which holds and orders all the elements allowing to show in the web browser this union as a webpage.

As we indicated in the above definition HTML is a computer markup language, this means that it is a language used in computers or electronic devices with processing power that is based on the use of a number of well-known labels as brands for to identify and organize the contents of an electronic document as a web page, unlike programming languages markup languages do not have arithmetic functions and variables they can not perform calculations.

HTML using the <> as the basic designation of any element, so for example to identify a picture on a web the <img> tag is used, when you want to identify a paragraph that is part of a text tag <p> is used, also when you want to define a table tag <table> is used. As you can see HTML uses a very simple syntax and logic using a few keywords to define and identify any element of a webpage.

With all thanks to the use of tags or labels available in HTML we can define and identify any element of a website and specify to any web browser the order and distribution or lay-out of the elements that compose it. HTML is the structure of any webpage.

Currently HTML language is accompanied by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the purpose of CSS language is to give the style, format and behavioral patterns of our website, so for HTML indicates and organizes the elements creating the structure and CSS provides the style, color, format and other aspects of the webpage. Without CSS our web lack of style resulting in unsightly and unprofessional web. Currently HTML and CSS is an inseparable marriage in making and maintaining websites.

Advantages of HTML

The use HTML for webpages creation has the following advantages:

So to be a universal, simple, intuitive language and does not require specific software make HMTL the ideal candidate to create any website that we propose. Internet has billions of different websites but with one thing in common, they are all written under HTML code.

Now you know what is HTML, you want to see an example?, only you have to click in "View> Source" in your browser and instantly you will see the HTML code of this webpage.